29 October 2009

Pink Hijab Day was a success!

Asalaamu alaikum...

Yesterday was Pink Hijab Day for breast cancer awareness. A few sisters and I, at my campus all wore pink hijabs. I also had a table set up with breast cancer informatin, along with informatino on Islam, alhamdulilah! See...I'm trying to start an Islamic club on my campus...there are quite a few Muslims that attend the college, and I have come across misperceptions that non-Muslims have about Islam. I figured, insh'Allah, this will be a good way to establish dialogue between the Muslims and non-Muslims to help clear up some of the misperceptions. To set up a club and have it become "official," I have to have at least ten students interested in being members, and a faculty member that wishes to serve as an Advisor.

I figured Pink Hijab Day would be the perfect time to get news out about the upcoming club and to gain "potential members." Alhamdulilah....I had over 35 people sign up for the club yesterdaay!!!! Allahu akbar! AND...a Professor stopped by the table and said she wants to be the Advisor! Yeah! Allah (SWT) is truly wonderful!

Insh'Allah, I hope to have a guest speaker in November. I know a sister that went on Hajj and she had told me she'd be willing to speak to the group about her expeirence at Hajj and to share her pictures with us. :) I also hope to have a small Eid celebration on 30th Nov (we don't have classes the week of the 27th), insh'Allah. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can do for that, please let me know!! This is my first Eid al-Adha, so I'm not sure what all would be a good idea to do for the celebration.

The other big task that I'd like the club to accomplish is to set up a prayer room on campus. This can prove to be a bit difficult. I had previously spoke to one of the faculty about this and was told it would not be possible due to space limitations. However, I am thinking....insh'Allah, if I can get a petition started and enough people sign, something can be worked out. The prayer room would be for all major (Abrahamic) faiths, not just the Muslims (I figure I'd have a better chance of getting an "okay" if I make it available to everyone). The idea actually came from a brother that stopped by the table yesterday...he said at another school he had been to, they had a prayer room, and one section had Bibles and was for the Christians, another section had Torahs for the Jews, and a third area had Qur'ans and prayer rugs for the Muslims. I think this would be a good idea, and insh'Allah, proposing a room such as this would more likely be okay'd by the higher-ups on the campus. There is a Christian Fellowship Student Club also on campus, and I was considering contacting the President of that club to see if he (and his club) would be interested in joining the petition efforts for the prayer room.

If anyone has any suggestions/ideas/opinions/etc, feel free to let me know.


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