Ya Ikhwani! We are in need of your assistance. Our country has been hit by an act of nature that has left our people with countless deaths, homeless, without water, food, blood and medication.
All of our hospitals have crumbled, we have piles of people in the streets dead. Some people have had to have their limbs removed without aesthetics. Makeshift hospitals are being made with tents but there are not enough doctors or medication for the amount of injured.
The smell of dead bodies has risen in the entire city, the people have become desperate of the situation.
salam alaykum sister, i came across your blog, form Mai to extreme's blog. I must say i really like your posts and will be back insha'Allah to read more. Mabrook on your reverting to Islam. I am also a revert 6 years approx located in the UK, and i go by the name minty on the net, so nice to meet you. I have added your blog to my blog roll.
Walaikum asalaam sister...shukron for your kind comments on my blog. I don't post often, as I don't always have a lot to say or a lot of time. But, insh'Allah, what I do post is beneficial and pleasing to Allah (SWT). Alhamdulilah on your reverting to Islam 6 years ago, that is wonderful. It is nice to meet you sis. May Allah (SWT) continue to guide and bless you, Ameen.